12 research outputs found

    The Development of Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) Based Fluent Reading Module for Slow Learners at Grade IV Inclusive Elementary School

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    This artilce aimed to investigate the practicality of Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) based module using the experimental indicators consisting of the module’s appearance, performance, the use of module, and the utilization of reading skills, to produce multiple intelligences theory based reading skill learning module assessed by the experts of media and learning materials, and to find out the effectiveness of multiple intelligences theory based reading skill learning module by improving word reading accuracy score. The researchers used ADDIE development model. All respondents are 300 students of SD Negeri Inklusi Tegalpanggung. The data collection technique used interview, questionnaire, and performance assessment. The data were analyzed by using descriptive-qualitative. The improvement of reading accuracy is examined through Normalized-Gain Test. The findings showed that multiple Intelligences theory based word recognition learning module which was used based on the examination with the category of “Very Good”. The products consist of introduction, content, and conclusion; the introduction consists of objectives, significances, and module map; the module consists of 16 learning materials divided into four sub-basic competencies and elaborated into four intelligences area; evaluation. Furthermore, the assessment from the expert 1 towards the learning module namely 3,7 with category “appropriate enough” and the expert II obtain mean value 4,01 classified into “appropriate” category and the media expert obtain  mean value 4,47 with category of very appropriate. The effective learning module improves the reading skills assessed from the improvement of  fluent reading skill with the post test score 92,6%. Keywords: Learning Module, Fluent Reading Skill, Multiple Intelligences Theor

    Improving Sitting Endurance with the Use of Economic Tokens in Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders (Single Subject Research class V at SDN 06 Piai Tangah)

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    This research focuses on the problems experienced by ADHD students who are unable to stay seated while studying . The aim of this research is to increase endurance while sitting in learning and also to provide enthusiasm in participating in learning by using economic tokens. This research uses an experimental method using SSR (Single Subject Research). This research data was collected through observation and documentation. The results of this research can be said that the use of economic tokens is effective in increasing sitting endurance in children with ADHD. &nbsp

    Parenting of Parents with Visual Impairment in Forming Creative Character in Children

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    Shaping a child's creative nature is a challenge in itself for parents with disabilities. Especially if the parents' disability is blindness with visual impairments. With these limitations, blind parents will find it difficult to care for, raise, train, and supervise their children. Therefore, the aim of this research is to find out how blind parents cultivate their children's creative c haracter education. This study uses a qualitative narrative method. The sources of data for this research originate from blind parents and other informants. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation. This is what the results of this study show. unique parenting habits for children. This can encourage creative ideas in children, including those whose parents have low vision. &nbsp

    Blended Learning Design to Support Differentiated Learning: A Case Study for Students with Disability

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    Blended learning has been gaining attention in recent years as a method of instruction that combines online and offline learning experiences. This approach can potentially support differentiated learning for students with disabilities, who often require individualized instruction and accommodations. The purpose of this paper is to describe how the blended learning models can be used to support differentiated learning needed by students with special needs in higher education. This study is a qualitative case study. Data was obtained through observation, literature study, documentation and interviews with students and experts on the appropriate learning models for students with disabilities to be implemented in higher education. The findings of this research are in the form of a learning model design with a combination of face-to-face and online lectures through appropriate technology to support differentiated learning for each student with disabilities

    Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Bagi Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Kurikulum adalah suatu perencanaan dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, materi pembelajaran dan metode pembelajaran. Hal ini digunakan oleh pihak sekolah dalam melaksanakan  proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan dan agar berjalan lebih efektif dan efesien, serta ditujukan untuk mengembangkan individu masing-masing peserta didik. Pada pengembangan kurikulum 2013 untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan jenis hambatannya. Namun yang kita ketahui bahwa anak berkebutuhan khusus memiliki hambatan menurut (Budi et al., 2021)Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dari anak-anak lain pada umumnya. Pada penelitian banyak disebutkan bahwa kurikulum 2013 menuntut peserta didik untuk inovatif, kreatif, inisiatif agar potensi yang dimiliki dapat berkembang. Studi ini dilakukan mengumpulkan informasi yang cukup mengenai implementasi kurikulum 2013 bagi peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus dengan metode yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah melalui studi literatur yang mengumpulkan beberapa penelitian mengenai implementasi kurikulum 2013 bagi peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus.Kata Kunci : Kurikulum, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, Kurikulum 201

    Efektivitas Teknik Fading dan Prompting untuk Meningkatkan Kosakata Fungsional Anak dengan Gangguan Spektrum Autis di Kelas 1 SDLB Putra Jaya Malang

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    ABSTRACTArnez, Gaby. 2016. Efektivitas Teknik Fading dan Prompting untuk Meningkatkan Kosakata Fungsional Anak dengan Gangguan Spektrum Autis di Kelas 1 SDLB Putra Jaya Malang. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Mohammad Efendi M.Pd,M.Kes, (II) Drs. Ahmad Samawi, M.Hum.Kata Kunci: teknik fading dan prompting, kosakata fungsional, gangguan spektrum autis, Malang.Anak dengan gangguan spektrum autis memiliki tiga area kerusakan yaitu interaksi, komunikasi dan perilaku. Program pendidikan dasar untuk anak dengan gangguan spektrum autis adalah mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi. Salah satu indikator peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi siswa yaitu meningkatnya kosakata. Program treatment dimulai dari kosakata yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Teknik yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik fading (menghilangkan) dan prompting (bantuan). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan teknik fading dan prompting dalam meningkatkan kosakata fungsional anak dengan gangguan spektrum autis.Rancangan pada penelitian ini menggunakan  single subject research dengan desain pengulangan A-B-A-B. Teknik penilaian pada komponen mengucapkan dan menunjuk kosakata fungsional melalui observasi pada fase baseline dan treatment, kemudian hasilnya di analisis melalui empat komponen yaitu mean, level, trend. rapidity/latency. Indikator penilaian pada penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu kemampuan mengucapkan dan kemampuan menunjuk. Pada masing-masing kemampuan memiliki tiga komponen penilaian, yaitu mandiri (M), prompt sebagian (P+), dan prompt utuh (TP).Analisis keefektifan data penelitian melalui empat komponen, maka hasilnya untuk kemampuan mengucapkan yaitu, mean dari komponen penilaian mandiri meningkat dari baseline 1 sebesar 35,7% menjadi 92,8% pada treatment 2, level meningkat  positif, trend atau kecenderungan data dari fase baseline 1 hingga treatment 2 cenderung meningkat tajam, rapidity/latency tidak muncul. Hasil dari analisis kemampuan menunjuk yaitu, mean dari komponen penilaian mandiri meningkat dari baseline 1 sebesar 24,5% menjadi 92,8% pada treatment 2, level meningkat positif, trend dari fase baseline 1 hingga treatment 2 cenderung meningkat tajam, rapidity/latency tidak muncul. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut, maka diperoleh kesimpulan yaitu, teknik fading dan prompting terbukti efektif dapat meningkatkan komponen mandiri kemampuan menunjuk dan mengucapkan kosakata fungsional. ABSTRACT Arnez, Gaby. 2016. The Effectiveness of Fading and Prompting Technique to Increase Functional Vocabulary of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorderin SDLB Putra Jaya Malang. Undergraduate Thesis, Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malang. Supervisors: (I) Prof. Dr. Mohammad Efendi M.Pd,M.Kes, (II) Drs. Ahmad Samawi, M.Hum.Keywords: Fading and Prompting Technique, Functional Vocabulary, Autism Spectrum Disorder, MalangChildren with Autism Spectrum Disorder have three impaired skills such as interaction, communication and behavior. Communication skill is one of basic intervention programs for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Communication skill development on students with Autism Spectrum Disorder will affect academic and non academic capablity. One of the indicators of communication skill improvement is vocabulary increasing. Intervention program is started from vocabularies that are related to student’s daily activities. The technique used in this research was Applied Behavior Analysis using fading and prompting technique. This research was conducted in order to determine the effectiveness of fading and prompting technique to increase functional vocabulary of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This research was Single Subject Research with A-B-A-B model. This research design was to figure out the functional correlation between independent variable and dependent variable. In this research, it is used visual analysis of graphs as the technique to analyze the data. The data were obtained by using observation and interview with the parents and the teacher. The evaluation technique of pronunciation and pointing functional vocabulary was observation of  baseline and treatment phase. Then, the result was analyzed tin the term of four components such as mean, level, trend. rapidity/latency. Evaluation indicator of this research was divided into two. They are pronunciation and pointing skills. Each of this skill has three evaluation component such as independent (M), partial prompt (P+), and total prompt (TP).The result showed that fading and prompting technique  was proven effectively to improve independent evaluation component in functional vocabulary pronunciation skill and pointing skill


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    This study aims to: (1) find out the process of developing a module based on Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) to support the learning process of slow learner students' reading skills in grade IV SD (2) to produce a fluent reading learning module based on the proper multiple intelligences theory and (3) Find out the effectiveness of fluent reading skills learning modules based on the theory of multiple intelligences. This research and development uses the ADDIE development model. The trial subjects involved in this study consisted of three slow learners. The three subjects sit at the Tegalpanggung Inclusion State Elementary School level. The data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires, and performance appraisals. The data in this research and development is analyzed using quantitative descriptive which is presented in graphic form. The increase in reading accuracy is known through the Normalized-Gain Test. The results of this study are: (1) word recognition learning module based on multiple intelligence theory which refers to the ADDIE development model. The product consists of an introduction, content and end; an introduction consisting of objectives, benefits and map modules; the contents of the module include sixteen materials divided into four basic sub competencies and translated into four areas of intelligence; evaluation. (2) The results of the material expert I's assessment of the learning module were 3.7 with a fairly suitable category and the material expert II obtained a mean value of 4.01 which was included in the appropriate category and the media expert obtained a mean value of 4.47 with a very suitable category; (3) the effective learning module in improving fluent reading skills is assessed by the increase in the accuracy of reading fluent words with a post test score of 92.6%

    Proses Translasi Kuesioner The Index for Inclusion pada Dimension a Creating Inclusive Cultures dengan Metode Back-Translation

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    Artikel ini menawarkan langkah untuk melakukan proses penerjemahan (translasi) kuesioner The Index for Inclusion pada Dimensi A Creating Inclusive Cultures dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia. Proses translasi ini menggunakan metode back-translation dengan melibatkan bilingual yang paham akan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, dimana dua diantaranya memahami konsep inklusi. Metode ini diawali dengan proses forward-translation dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia, baru dilanjutkan dengan menyintesis hasil dari terjemahan tersebut. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses back-translation dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris. Hasil kuesioner yang telah diterjemahkan selanjutnya didiskusikan bersama dengan para ahli melalui proses focus group discussion yang berguna untuk mengidentifikasikan adanya ketimpangan makna dalam penerjemahan. Hasil dari keseluruhan proses ini ialah final dari kuesioner yang telah diterjemahkan dan dapat digunakan

    The Potential of Universal Design for Learning to Enhance Academic Engagement of Students with Disabilities

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    Siswa difabel yang belajar di kelas reguler umumnya mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses kurikulum umum. Akibatnya, mereka harus berjuang untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Keterlibatan akademik siswa penyandang disabilitas terdiri dari keterlibatan kognitif, keterlibatan perilaku, dan keterlibatan emosional. Keterlibatan akademik yang rendah akan berdampak pada prestasi akademik siswa. Oleh karena itu, academic engagement menjadi salah satu indikator keberhasilan siswa berkebutuhan khusus di kelas reguler. UDL adalah kerangka desain pengajaran yang menekankan keberhasilan belajar untuk semua siswa dengan atau tanpa kebutuhan khusus. Salah satu prinsip utama UDL adalah mengembangkan berbagai cara agar siswa dapat mengakses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan konsep tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode literature review. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui potensi UDL dalam meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa berkebutuhan khusus di kelas reguler, kemudian mencoba mengembangkan ilustrasi desain pengajaran sederhana berbasis UDL